Sunday, June 29, 2008

Garden and such

My garden. This was taken a few weeks ago. It's gigantic now---everything is kind of growing together now.....I need a bigger garden next year. I can't believe how fast it is growing.
Our peonies in the front yard.
Bring some peonies inside. I didn't shake out all the ants very well.

hopscotch with the cousins

Tristan, Macy and kylah
tristan drawing spongebob
crazy eyes!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

children's festival

the girls could not wait for face painting--actually the adults did not want to wait in the long line, so Amy found some markers and colored on their faces. Everyone was happy.
They didn't know I was taking this picture. They just love each other!

Every year we love going to the children's festival downtown st. paul. Here are a few highlights of Macy with her friend Lily. (Amy, I hope you don't mind I put Lily's pic on here!!! but she is just too cute!!)