Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Madison Trip

Macy and I had a lot of fun in Madison this week! We got to see some of my oldest friends (emily and erin) and their children! Henry and Morgan are soo cute and Macy loved playing with them and going to the zoo. She also had fun swimming with Emily and Henry.

Summer Storm!!

Well everybody---we had quite a storm here last weekend! We woke up around 3:30am to sounds of trees falling and then the power went out. The tree in front of the house fell down, towards the house and not my car! Two trees in the back fell down....but not the dead branch that we've been waiting to fall. Our nice pine tree by the garage fell down into macy's swimming pool. It broke off in two different part of the tree is in the pool and the other part was in the neighbor's yard. The streets behind us were littered with trees. One tree absolutely smooshed a car--it was such a big tree and lifted up the sidewalk with it when it fell over. It was a crazy storm. We ended up not having electricity for 3 days and it was about 100 degrees so we ended up at a hotel! Anyway here are some of the pics from the storm.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

random pictures

I wanted to share three pictures that were on my cell phone. One is of Greg on the bee ride at the taste of was sooo funny...and he matches! One is of macy at the twins game on Greg's birthday. And the last one if of me and Macy --it's my new favorite picture!